Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Good Doctor

Tuck Jonner literally waltzed into the room. His feet moved fluidly and with grace, but his arms flopped around like a trash bag stuck in a car door. He was having an induced stroke. He has a disease so potent, the only method of removing it was to mess up your brain real bad and hope it went away. And then hope your brain went back to normal. The success rate was abysmal, but thankfully for Tuck, he didn't know the meaning of failure. If he had, he surely would have refused this operation. 10 weeks later his body was found stripped to the bone of material, except for his perfectly preserved head with an apple in his mouth. It's ironic that he was found this way because he requested that be done to his body in his will, but his family declined to commit. Tuck always gets the final word. 

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