"I will eat your soul," growled the horned demon, into an empty crevasse along a black mountain.
"I like the saying, but say it a different way," casually remarked the muscle demon, arms crossed and face messed up in thought.
"All right, all right, " the first demon said as he cleared his throat and coughed and sputtered around some otherworldly bile in his chest area, "I will EAT your SOUL!" He nearly screamed this time, and added a flourish to 'soul'.
"Eh nevermind, I don't like it. Next! Next one!" muscles replied, smiling at his statement as if it had been funny or liked by someone. It had not.
"How about this?" demon one asked, and his voice lept out of his veiny throat in a hurry. "Death is upon you." He let the words hang in the air, saying them deliberately and with malice.
"You can't be serious. That line was horrible. You're better than that." The muscle demon was quite the critic, with not a lot else to offer.
"You're quite the critic, with not a lot else to offer," remarked the horned demon, as I wished him to do.
The two demons stood there chatting, hanging out in a hellish landscape. The ground was cracked and broken, and the mountain next to them so black you couldn't see its edges. It was hot and flames burned from seemingly any random point. There was a river of lava nearby, which would have been amazing to see, but they were too accustomed to it to care.
The first demon, the horned one, was lightweight and agile. His body was most reminiscent of a lizards, but still humanoid in appearance, with an altogether unknown third thing thrown in the mix, giving him a truly demonic appearance. In addition to his horns, he had two long appendages protruding from his back that curled over his head and ended in claws. He was almost entirely grey, with blotches of green here and there.
"You will know fear... " the horned demon repeated multiple times, changing his cadence and emphasis.
The muscle demon was tall and bulky. At least 9 feet up and bulging with strength. He was hornless, bald, and imposing. His torso was humanoid, with two great big arms that were too big for the torso and were a dim gold next to his deep purple skin. His head was pointy and misshapen and his mouth was huge and filled with razor teeth. He had 3 legs split out like a tripod that bent like a spiders, only equally as muscled as his arms. Each leg had a hand at the end of it.
"You will be humbled," the horned demon intoned, gesturing wildly as he spoke.
"I don't like that one, either. Too polite," said the muscle demon, spinning childlike on his feet.
The first demon, with the horns and stuff, began to get frustrated and spoke up.
"Why are we even doing this? It's crazy if you think about it."
"What do you mean? Just get your lines down so we can go impress Kingdra."
"That's just it, though. Why do we need lines? We're introducing ourselves to the humans we're about to attack!"
"You need to send a message. To show off your trademark for next time."
"Why will there be a next time?! I should burst forth from the shadows and eviscerate my foes! Be done with them."
"That's a good one. Use that."
"I'm not using anything... This is so foolish."
The two demons went back and forth arguing, sometimes practicing a spooky line to use on unsuspecting human heroes when they attack them. The horned demon was doomed to lose the argument, not realizing that they were characters in my story, and thus fall into the archetype of demon that has a catchphrase or opening line. Eventually he succumbed to the muscle demon's word power and settled on a line, but compromise had been struck.
He was crouched atop an altar in a desolate and decrepit ceremony cathedral in an animalistic pose, waiting. The large wooden doors burst open as a group of human journeymen entered. They had their torches and swords raised and they progressed hastily towards the altar. The horned demon reared back into an awesome flex, roaring and sending out a wave of fire, lighting the corpses littered around him and illuminating the room. He looked at the humans and said with a newfound menace: "Drink Coca Cola," before dashing towards the front most human on all fours, picking him up easily in his hands and tearing his head from his shoulders.
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